I’m officially an Internationally Publis

I’m officially an Internationally Published Author!
Announcing Manifesting in High Heels!

Christine Marmoy has been part of, and publisher of several international bestsellers in the past few years. So I was incredibly excited and blessed beyond compare when she asked me to participate in the creation of her third book in the High Heels series – Manifesting in (High) Heels. Her invitation was “literally” an answer to a prayer and belief that God would deliver nothing less than my heart’s desire and lined up with his divine plan for me. Throughout my life I have learned, God gifted us with the power of ‘creation’ and the ability to manifest our hearts tiniest and largest desires. Within the pages of this wonderful Anthology, you will find out exactly how my unwavering faith and unstoppable belief actually saved my life.
You will also meet 29 amazing co-authors who “walk their talk” by manifesting their dreams in their daily practices, each describing her special “secret” for manifesting success in her own life, Our collective mission was to bring you one of the most complete, honest and authentic sources of information to inspire you to begin manifesting the life you desire also. Buy it right here on Amazon today … http://amzn.to/1tsUcP9
Happy Manifesting!

P.S. Have you seen our website for the book and our YouTube Channel? Probably not, so click here http://www.manifestinginhighheels.com to see the latest!
http://ow.ly/i/7pP9D http://ow.ly/i/7pPaC

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